
What I Eat in a Day

Just like most of the people out there, I also hate the fact that 5 days a week I need to get up very early in the morning just to see the face of my amazing but mysterious boss. Now you might feel that sacrificing those glorious morning naps and awful Dhaka traffic are the only reasons behind this. No, not really!

Who on earth would like to listen to those ‘interesting & friendly’ early-morning bashing from their boss with an empty stomach, I wonder! Sometimes I even dream of “Hot Parathas” with omelet during those heavenly naps that I often get gifted from traffic-jam.

In this stressful city life, I really wish there were some frozen snacks kept ready in my refrigerator that I could just pick and pack in my tiffin carrier along with my lunchbox during rush moments.

After a homemade healthy lunch when all these distress & busy-ness are done, in the late office hours when all my colleagues sit together the best thing we get in office is that splendid looking plate full of Hot Samosas and Spring Rolls with spicy ketchup. To an exhausted and weary soul, these tastes luscious and delectable. And when I finally return home, the delicious dinner cooked by my mother makes me forget all those rigorous things that I need to go throughout the day in workplace and busy city life.

After discovering this open secret of frozen readymade snacks, suddenly my days have become better and brighter. Now I would always get those Hot Parathas with omelet that I used to crave for. Thanks to my beloved mom & the frozen snacks by Delifrost!

Now I have more confidence and intensity going in for my daily struggles as I don’t have to feel the rumbling in tummy anymore. Our day-to-day city life is getting further gridlocked and we’re always looking for something that might save some time for us. And on that note, these readymade frozen snacks are truly lifesaver for many of us.